
towards balance
I often see imbalances in the divorce process. There can be a difference in emotion between the divorcing partners, in acceptance of the divorce or in familiarity with finances. This means that the divorcing partners each have a different approach to the proceedings.
In particular in the case of divorce, I believe it is important that there is balance between the partners. This provides a good basis for making the appropriate agreements. In the divorce process, I want to contribute towards balance (‘richtingevenwicht’) with advice and counselling. In doing so, I have attention for the personal side without forgetting the ‘business aspect’.
Personally, I like bringing balance to the divorce process. I tune into the person who has engaged my services and try to imagine myself in his or her specific situation. When I know what is really important to someone, I can focus on finding solutions.
My motivation is to help people move forward. When partners decide to separate, this decision initially creates a great deal of uncertainty and many questions. I like providing direction, with clear information and honest advice.
The foundation for the financial side of my advice was laid in the 12.5 years that I worked at various banks. I first became acquainted with customer-specific advice as a Financial Planner at Fortis Bank. I then explored this further in my years at Van Lanschot Bankiers. As a Private Banker, I often came into contact with directors and major shareholders and with independent professionals.
Since 2006, my focus has been on divorce advice and counselling. Particularly in the case of divorce, the person, the situation and the interests require a great deal of attention. This adds another dimension to the advice and means that my ‘professional heart’ lies with divorce counselling.
Basic mediation training in 2018/2019 has added relevant knowledge about conflict and intervention techniques and is applicable in my work on a daily basis.
LinkedIn provides more information about my business background.
I am registered as a mediator in the MfN register (Mediator Federation Netherlands). This is an independent and recognised quality register.
I have been a (certified) financial planner since 1998. The FFP quality mark provides clarity on expertise, integrity and practical experience. This means clients can rely on objective, appropriate and future-proof advice that really helps them move forward.